Answer:El Colegio Electoral es el cuerpo de compromisarios electos encargado de elegir al presidente y al vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos. Desde 1964 el Colegio Electoral tiene 538 electores.1El colegio electoral de cada estado emite su voto el primer lunes siguiente al segundo miércoles de diciembre, y las dos cámaras del Congreso cuentan y verifican oficialmente los resultados definitivos la primera semana de enero. El colegio electoral es un ejemplo de elección indirecta.
En lugar de votar directamente al presidente y vicepresidente, los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos emiten sus votos para los electores. Los electores son técnicamente libres de votar a favor de cualquier persona elegible para ser presidente, pero en la práctica se comprometen a votar por candidatos específicos.2 Los votantes emiten sus votos a favor de los candidatos presidenciales y vicepresidenciales al votar por los electores correspondiente a prometer su voto.3La mayoría de los estados permiten a los votantes elegir entre las listas de electores del estado que se comprometieron a votar a favor del candidato presidencial y vicepresidencial de varios partidos; el candidato que recibe la mayoría de los votos del estado 'gana' todos los votos emitidos por los electores de ese estado. Las campañas presidenciales estadounidenses se concentran en ganar el voto popular en una combinación de los Estados que opten por una mayoría de los electores, en lugar de hacer campaña para ganar el mayor número de votos a nivel nacional.
Answer: you can choose whichever one you want :)
The Sixth Amendment provides additional protections to people accused of crimes, such as the right to a speedy and public trial, trial by an impartial jury in criminal cases, and to be informed of criminal charges. Witnesses must face the accused, and the accused is allowed his or her own witnesses and to be represented by a lawyer.
The Ninth Amendment states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out.
The Fourth Amendment bars the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their private property.
writing a constitution
ending absolute rule
protecting individual rights
ending the class system
lowering taxes for the rich is almost exactly the opposite of the goals of the French Revolution
essentially (very simply put), the wealth division among classes was extremely unbalanced. The rich were living excessively lavish lifestyles, while the poor citizens (of which there were many) barely had anything to eat.
So, the poor majority eventually were able to overthrow the ruling class, they wanted the money division among people to be fair--they did not want to lower taxes for the rich at all
Baroque style and simple and elegant style that borrowed ideas and themes from classical Greece and Rome.
Neoclassical art or neoclassicism is the movement in decorative and visual arts that draw the inspiration from the Greek and Roman culture. It is characterized by sober colors, clarity of form, strong horizontal and vertical shapes that render the subject timeless.