° To protect inalienable rights
° They create rules
° Helps us to prevent outside attacks
° It helps provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protects them from outside interference and often provides for their well-being and happiness.
° The government plays a major role in developing and maintaining economic security in society.
° It establishes equality and justice in society through the formation and execution of rules defining laws and order.
Israel was claimed by the native Palestinians who had lived there apart from the Jews.
The land of Israel was a very contested part of the world as it was historically accurate as the place where the Jews lived but this also meant that it was the place where there were less Jews now as they had migrated out.
Now the people who occupied the land were the Palestinian Muslims who themselves had been in the region for hundreds of years and were also natives with a legitimate claim to the land
Eventually it was handed over to Israel to much the dismay of the Muslims of the area.
Limited/scare resources and unlimited wants.
1.) She made the first American flag.
2.) She ran an upholstery business for many years that was successful.
b) Data converted into a meaningful and useful context.
Information described by the Merriam Webster dictionary is “the communication or reception of knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge obtained from investigation, study or instruction”. Information described by the Cambridge Dictionary is “news, facts, or knowledge”. Inferring on these two meanings, we could state that the correct answer is the letter (b). Information is a collection of data converted into a meaningful and useful context.