I'm not really sure what your options here are, and I couldn't find them anywhere on the Internet. However, I will try to help you if I can.
It is important for political parties to persuade their voters that their candidates and the ideas they stand for will be for the best of those voters. They need to show the voters that the candidate will fight for their rights and for giving them what they want in order to persuade them to vote for that particular candidate and the entire party.
before a warrant can be issued
The Fourth Amendment is where a police officer or anybody else can't search your personal property without a warrant. Even if they have reasonable suspicion, they must get the judge to sign the warrant. If the police have a search warrant, they are required by law to search your property for any evidence.
In the absence of an atmosphere, Earth’s surface temperature would be about –18°C, or 0°F, which is way too cold for life. Greenhouse gases have just the right molecular structure to absorb infrared radiation that the Earth emits. It re-emits most of that infrared energy in all directions, warming the atmosphere to its comfortable average temperature of 15°C (60°F). So the greenhouse effect is a good thing.