Atrial flutter is a type of abnormal heart rhythm, or arrhythmia. It occurs when a short circuit in the heart causes the upper chambers (atria) to pump very rapidly. Atrial flutter is important not only because of its symptoms but because it can cause a stroke that may result in permanent disability or death.
this is the condition in which water in the body drop below normal levels as a result of illness excessive sweating or not drinking enough water
Answer: di mana kehidupan tertentu hidup misalnya Ikan yang tinggal di lautan Jadi pada dasarnya ia membuat beberapa kehidupan yang berbeza membentuk orang lain
Translation for anyone who wants to know: its where certain life lives for example A fish living in a ocean So basically it makes some life different form others
Because your head is a forehead
The egg on your is your but route to smart ness so your but has eggs -From Doctor Timbes
1. beats slower than 60 beats per minute
2. chronic autoimmune disease
3. a branch in the medical field
4. Having the effect of relieving pain and inducing drowsiness, stupor, or
5. obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble.