Answer : Low;High
You use high power for a more detailed view on what you are looking at and you use the low power for a general view.
The answer is false. It is because the way the food manufacturers abide food safety guidelines or how they manufacture food will affect a person's taste buds. Obsolete means out of date-- which, will not happen to our taste buds as it does not involve in how the manufacturers dealt with the food and makes our taste buds turn to out of date or have it less developed.
number 4 because they look similar in way like there maybe backwards?
Grupa chemików z Uniwersytetu Środkowej Florydy pod kierownictwem profesora Fernando Uribe-Romo, odkryła sposób zamiany dwutlenku węgla w paliwo i tlen — naśladując naturalne procesy w jakich rośliny konsumują CO2, czyli fotosyntezę, która z dwutlenku węgla i wody produkuje węglowodany czyli paliwo dla organizmów żywych.