An amount/number of something
Quantitative describes the quantity of something
Qualitative describes the quality of something
The second choice would be the answer
An allusion is a reference to another published work. The Aeneid is a published work so by referring to it, Virgil makes an allusion. A canto is a section of a long poem - this is not a reference. A symbol is when an object represents or stands for an idea. One of the most common symbols is the heart which can symbolize love. Terza rima is a group of triplets especially in rhyme, such as when a rhyme scheme is ABA, BCB, CDC, DED
Assuming from general knowledge, charity work is beneficial to everyone involved and has a positive effect on the community.
Of all the given words, venerated is the only one that means respect or praise... charity work is respected and often praised, so the only logical option. Good luck!
Im not about to write an entire essay about this but i can give some tips. just write up something about how tourists dont care about the environment because it isnt their home and how they can ruin the natural terrain of the area and can generate unwanted growth. but tourism promotes small businesses.