The attraction of water molecules to other substances, like soil or glass, is called adhesion. The cohesive forces between polar molecules are stronger than those between non-polar molecules, such as those in oil or syrup.
Recall that a period is horizontal, and a group is vertical.
So if cobalt is moving "down" a period, it would be most logical to say that it would be Ni, or nickel. It could also be Copper, Zinc, Gallium, and so on. Make sense?
This answer is best suited to say that the Broca's area is responsible for speech production and function. Moreover, comprehension is done in the Wernick's area. Thank you for your question. Please don't hesitate to ask in Brainly your queries.
Reactions performed in the thylakoid include water photolysis, the electron transport chain, and ATP synthesis. Photosynthetic pigments (e.g., chlorophyll) are embedded into the thylakoid membrane, making it the site of the light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis.
In photosynthesis experiment, the effect of the light will be observe during the starch production- thus you need to have a plant without a starch to observe if the starch is produced during photosynthesis. Letting the leaves of the plant deprived from light for 48 hours will be forced to use its reserved starch making the storage of the starch decrease.