Boats must be cleaned after getting out of the water to ensure there arent any on the sides of the boat before entering another body of water.
Producing plants by vegetative propagation is faster than growing plants from seeds. ... Therefore, farmers prefer the method of vegetative reproduction for growing plants.
Modern theory of evolution explains that "organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits". Hence this change suggests the loss of vestigial organs.
- Vestigial organ are those which do not have any function but is present in our body.
- According to the modern theory the genetic and physical appearance changes along with the adaptation in environment by the organism.
- So if the organ looses its function in order to sustain and adopt in the changing environment then they become vestigial and slowly disappear.
- This is the common example for the Lamarck's theory of "use and disuse".
You determine that it is not from an animal because the cells in the tissue have cell walls.