23 hrs 56minutes and 4seconds to be precise
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Because u might have made a mistake on the first investigation so u want to repeat it a few more times
Answer: False
Explanation: You're supposed to have numerically more smaller units than bigger units, since a lot of these smaller units are combined to create a single larger unit.
The correct answer is D: "<em>Apes have a Y-5 pattern of cusps, whereas Old World monkeys have a bilophodont pattern</em>".
Apes and old world monkeys only have four kinds of teeth: <em>two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars</em>. This dental formula is
The old world monkeys characterize for having molars with four cusps joined by ridges. They have bilophodont teeth with better crushing, shearing and wearing capabilities than apes.
Apes´molars have 5 cusps, a Y-shaped space between those raised points, and no transverse lophs. These characteristics are known as the Y-5 pattern.