The correct answer should be African-Americans
They were segregated and had hard times finding jobs and when they did manage to get them, it was mostly low-skilled low-paying physical jobs like carrying bags of cement or loading ships in the docks. When the great depression came, they lost even this because white workers were prepared to do even those jobs so they lost even the little wage that they had.
I think maybe the answer would be C. religious level of a ruling dynasty let me know if im wrong.
D) Exchange Rates: US$ and 41 Currencies
This is because his research is based on historical facts .
By using all the other currencies rich is able to identifie the strennth of the currencies against each other.
The other reason is that the USD is the unit of measure on other currencies hence comparering it against other currencies then that of the pound makes it easier to identify how this currencies compare.
I might me wrong but i think it is Spain sorry if Im wrong
It is the location of the kaaba - it is expected that muslims visit mecca at least once in their lifetime to walk around the kaaba 7 times counterclockwise