The delegates at the Congress were conservative members of the upper-class. Their goal was un-doing many of the liberal changes effected by the Enlightenment, French Revolution, and Napoleon.
I remember learning about this, so I did some research just now to freshen my memory. Hope this helps!
Answer: D. The US has intervened in Latin American Affairs when US self-interest has been involved
In the 20th century, US policy towards Latin America shifted from the Monroe doctrine that demanded that European powers not attempt to colonize any more Latin American states to a policy that demanded that US interests be protected in Latin America. Under President T. Roosevelt, the US decided that they would expand it's commercial interests into Latin America to enable it to control and protect the continent further as well as to assert it's will.
For instance, when in 1903, Columbia refused to grant US permission to build the Pans Canal, the US reacted by supporting Panamanian rebels through back channels and preventing Columbia from retaking Panama when the latter declared independence. The Panamanian government then responded in gratitude by allowing a canal to be built.
Another instance was the Mexican Revolutions occuring from 1910 to 1920 where the US would support any new Mexican government so long as they abided by US foreign policy.
Little Rock, Arizona at Central high school. This was part of the Little Rock Crisis in 1957
The Pilgrims' venture in fur trading was very successful during the 1630s. And, while it lasted, the fur trade was essential to the success of Plymouth Colony. But, by 1650, beaver became scarce in eastern New England. sold its land along the Kennebec in the 1660s.