To maintain neutrality in foreign affairs, second term presidency, Use of force to enforce the law, calling the cabinet for advise, how to address the president, first to make the inauguration speech, presidents governing from office which is at home and also from white house, presidents can retreat to their homes and govern. These are the eight precedents which George Washington made.
George Washington knew well that the precedents which he follows will be followed meticulously by the forthcoming presidents as well and that was the reason he framed the precedents in a much thoughtful manner. He followed neutrality while developing trade ties with the foreign countries. He was much lauded for his two term presidency. His supporters indeed wanted him to continue but he expressed hiss desire to retire after two terms. Whiskey rebellion is the major incident which highlighted that the federal government had the power to force militia in order to enforce the law. Calling the cabinet for advise is another precedent which is set by George Washington. Laudable precedents which he made was how the president is to be addressed. It should be in a honorific manner simply Mr. President would do rather than 'his excellency' or 'his highness' an this precedent is followed up to date. He also suggested that presidents can go to their home place and have an extended stay which would make them energetic and high spirited to govern.
Most studies say so! Our verbal language is around 10% from what we actually communicate! Most of the job is done by nonverbal language, or body language! So there os no big stretch to belive that it is true.
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CCMC. Commission for Case Manager Certification.
hope it helps
Benjamin Franklin said there are three faithful friends and old wife and old dogs and ready money