Front-end the part with which the user interacts.
usually people who write this are called layout designers what languages are used (Html, css, js)
Beck-end The northern part is the structure of the site due to which it works, this includes the DBMS, logic, etc. which languages will be used(python, php, java)
People who can do both are called: full stack developr
D - Fiber-optic Cables
Electromagnetic interference affects cables made from different metals and can corrupt the data running through them. However, Fiber-optic cables are constructed from glass (non-metallic) and transmit pulses of light as signals to transfer data, this means that the cables are most resistant and not susceptible to EMI.
Answer: in solution.
It is basically 194 divided by 11 since we are evenly grouping 194 seeds into 11 pots. This gives 17.636363…
This means that the best estimate is around that number.
Place holder
In computer programming, placeholder is a word, character or series of characters that is used to take up the space until the time when the space is actually needed. It is widely used in the sign up or login forms for web and mobile applications. For example, First Name, Last Name etc.
A programmer might have an idea that he will require this number of characters or values but he don't knows what the input will be, that’s why he uses the place holder.
Hope it helps!