The topic sentence is the first sentence. It defines what the rest of the paragraph will be. <span />
Either 60:50 or 6:5
because anna has 50 and alissa has ten more than anna so alisa would have 60.
We can approach science from various angles. It may be that our aim is to solve a problem or to try to understand something. But, at the same time, what we find in it as explanatory or credible may be different if our profession is to be a trader, an importer of industrial equipment, a researcher or a teacher. Our concerns about science may differ according to the angle from which we think about it. That is to say, what is important when judging or evaluating science is different according to our relationship with it at certain times: whether we see it as producers, disseminators or consumers. Therefore, from the outset we have an area of complexity in thinking about science from our starting point.
Tómate un baño. Ponte los zapatos. Tiende tu cama. Sal de tu computadora. aspirar la casa. cepilla tus dientes.
translation - Take a bath. Put your shoes on. Make your bed. Get off your computer. vacuum the house. brush your teeth.
included - 5 sentences/commands, 5 different verbs.