not absolute truths, but rather one way of seeing the world.
Postformal thought is term that describes the tendency of individuals to be analytical, more flexible, and readily open to accept moral and intellectual intricacies, and rationalistic than previous stages in development.
Thus, postformal thinking is considered to be more realistic on the basis that, very few positions, ideas, situations, or people are completely right or wrong.
For example, people who were considered angels or devils by the neighbors later shown to be just people with strengths and weaknesses, endearing qualities, and faults to those not in the neighborhood.
Hence, an emerging adult who makes significant gains in postformal thinking is more likely to operate from the core belief that her beliefs are: "not absolute truths, but rather one way of seeing the world."
This is an opionic quiestion. to some people, it is because they dont want to be aroound people who lie or who are crazy and weird.
She is describing the two realities that people live nowadays. One is the reality in which we live and experience things with our flesh and bones. This is the one in which we share moments with other people and satisfiy our needs. We go to school, to work, to an event, we eat, sleep. And the other reality is the one we live through media, social networks, the virtual reality. This reality not only let us experience life events in a different way, that means that yo can even be present in another continent or country or neighbourhood, even when you are at home, at the bus or somewhere else. But of course, this reality alter our conception of time and space because it encapsulates us in this frame or moments but it also disconnects from the real life experiences. It makes people feel like they are in another place with other people, living other things but they are also in a real place where you can touch and feel things with your flesh.
Risk behavior is the behavior of individual that may result in negative consequences, risks to life, death, injury, violation etc. It is important for teenagers as during this age of life teens may not have a correct perspective of what is correct for them and what is not.