Before you give your hard earned cash to just any Internet bank, make sure they are legitimate. Check and re-check all of the institutions' contact information. Contact them. Ask questions. Make sure they are real! There also should be an “about us” section on the site. This should tell businesses detail. How long have they existed? Who is the CFO? Who is the parent company, if any? This is your money you are entrusting to them. Make sure it is safe! Go to the FDIC web-site. Look for information about the Internet bank you are considering. If they are insured, their information will be available.
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$50 billion
To find the change in aggregate expenditures, we need to find the change in consumption. For this, we will use the marginal propensity to consume formula:
MPC = Marginal propensity to consume
ΔC = Change in consumption
ΔY = Change in output (GDP)
We know that out MPC is 0.5, and our ΔY is $billion. We plug these amounts into the formula:
0.5 = ΔC / 100 billion
And we rearrange the equation to solve for ΔC
ΔC = $ 100 billion x 0.5
ΔC = $50 billion
So the change in consumption is $50 billion, which is also the change in aggregate expenditure.
C. Some sources say the flu vaccine could lessen negative affects on the economy.
- Apex
Given from the question kd = 7.0 %
Tax rate = 35 %
P0 = $ 28.86
Growth g = 4.9 %
D1 = $ 0.94
First find the cost of common stock by
rS = D1/P0 + g
=0.94/$28.86 + 0.49
= 52.3%
Finally, calculate the weighted average cost of capital WACC,
using rs= 0.523,
Tax rate =43% =0.43
Equity E 100% - 43% = 57% =0.57 and
kd=7.0 % = 0.07
so WACC = (D/A)(1 - Tax rate)kd+(E/A)rs
= 0.43(1 - 0.43)(0.07) + 0.57(0.523)
0.0172 + 0.298
= 0.315
= 31.5%
The format of the CV allows you to extensively share your history and accomplishments; the reviewer can learn a lot about you from this single document. Compared with a one- to two-page resume, a CV can be as long as you want. A CV is also a living document, which you should continually update. It should grow as your career grows. In fact, when you're a seasoned professional, your CV can extend into the double digits. In addition to your education and past positions, your CV should include a detailed list of what you've published, conferences you attended, classes you taught, presentations you gave, scholarships you received, your research interests and awards. You can also include your references on your CV. I hope I have answered your question