In the United States, sociology was first taught as an academic discipline at the University of Kansas in 1890, at the University of Chicago in 1892, and at Atlanta University in 1897.
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It lead to a truce between them
Meeting with Major Anderson, he said, "You have defended your flag nobly, Sir. You have done all that it is possible to do, and General Beauregard wants to stop this fight. On what terms, Major Anderson, will you evacuate this fort?" Anderson was encouraged that Wigfall had said "evacuate," not "surrender." He was low on ammunition, fires were burning out of control, and his men were hungry and exhausted. Satisfied that they had defended their post with honor, enduring over 3,000 Confederate rounds without losing a man, Anderson agreed to a truce at 2:00 p.m
D Mentoring; Coaching
Mentoring means giving counsellings, advise , encouragement and guidiance to an employee to enable him or her make long term career plans. It is usually practise in both formal and informal sector.
Coaching refers to giving instructions, trainings and educating employee inorder to address employee short term skills. This helps an employee develop skills to be able to meet up with work demand.
Answer:isa. an unconditioned stimulus.
According to classical conditioning , the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is the one in which our response occurs naturally , automatic and unconditionally which means we don't learn how to respond.
For example a smell of your favourite pizza will immediately make you feel hungry because it actual triggers this automatic response from you. The smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus.
In Ivan Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, when the dog smell their food , the salivating that result from them is an unconditioned response and food is the unconditioned stimulus, it an unlearned response that takes place naturally. This is the same as the meat powder above , which is the dog food.