A subroutine is a block of statements that carries out one or more tasks. ... they share all variables with the rest of the main program. ... Once you have defined a function in your program, you may use it in any appropriate expression, such as: ... Thus, functions can- not change the values of the arguments passed to them.
Python is the current language of choice in schools because it helps people build good coding techniques very quickly, and it has a robust range of uses. Code presentation is also an increasingly important distinction between the two languages. In the past, developers used code largely to create applications.
Python is related to flowcharts. because You write a program by setting up a flowchart. When you run the flowchart the software compiles to python byte-code so that you can easily import modules you write in Flowchart Python into standard Python programs.
sorry if i'm wrong
Following are the code to the given question:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;
class Window //defining a class Window
int width, height;//defining integer variable
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& stm, Window& width)//defining a friend function that takes two parameters
return stm<<"a ("<<width.width<<" x "<<width.height<<") window"; //use return keyword that return its values
Window(int width, int height): width(width), height(height)//defining parameterized constructor that inherit width and height in its parameters
int main() //Main method
Window w(80,90);//calling class constructor
cout<<w;//print object value
return 0;
a (80 x 90) window
In the above code, a class "Window" is defined that uses a friend function "ostream& operator" is declared that uses the "ostrea&" as a data type to hold two-variable "stm and w" in its parameter, and declared the parameterized constructor to hold value by inheriting width and height in its parameters.
Inside the main method, a class object is created that calls the constructor and uses the print method to print object value.
You just need to set a reminder on your phone and try and remember