Uhh hello? We never read that lesson so don't expect us to be demigods to figure out what you're talking about. Either post with the textbook or I don't think anyone in this world can answer these child level questions.
What is the full question please?
Tinker v. Des Moines remains an important precedent setting case as its subject matter, freedom of speech, is relevant to this day, especially in the ever changing political climate
The outcome of Tinker v. Des Moines determined that student's do not lose their first amendment right to free speech on school grounds, and it's unconstitutional to limit a students speech as long as it's not harming anyone.
Lincoln: <em>Temporarily excluded high-level Confederate officials from receiving amnesty.</em>
Johnson: <em>Forbade rich southern plantation owners from receiving amnesty.</em>
Both: <em>Banned former Confederate officials from holding government posts.</em>