Nyctalopia is the condition of night blindness characterized
by inability to see clearly at night or in dim light and the ability to see
clearly in the day. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to nyctalopia. Other possible
causes of Nyctalopia include myopia, cataract, retinitis pigmentosa and some glaucoma
Reflex action is the sudden uncontrolled reaction towards a certain stimuli eg response to hot iron
Reflex arc is the path taken by reflex action to a certain stimuli
Diagram depends to
Receptor(eg skin), receptor nerve(sensory neurone),centre reflex arc(spinal cord most of reflex action) they met relay neurone, motor neurone and ends at reflexor (eg muscle)
If the pacific ocean was rimmed by the ring of fire we can conclude that the plate boundaries are constantly moving
so you’d need to find the amount of gallons your family uses in 11 minutes and subtract 73000 from that number
i used the same formula, came up with 80300 gallons a year, and subtracted 73000 from it to get
7300 gallons are saved by reducing showering time by one minute