When doing medical research with human subjects, the following are unavoidable limitations;
It’s often impossible to repeat trials on the same subjects.
Subjects may report an inaccurate medical history.
It can be difficult to control all possible variables
There are ethical or privacy concerns to consider.
When doing a medical research that involves human subjects it should be voluntary, informed and consent. The researchers should respect the persons treated as autonomous agents. The volunteers should be protected from physical, mental and emotional harm. The benefits should outweigh the costs.
Deoxyribonucleic acid, widely known as DNA, is the genetic material in living cells. It is a double-stranded molecule, with each strand arising from the pair of nucleotide monomers that forms its structure. In the DNA, four nucleotides exist namely: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G).
These four bases occur in different combinations to form a sequence that makes up each strand of the DNA. However, each nucleotide pairs with one another using the COMPLEMENTARY BASE PAIRING RULE, which states that Adenine will always hydrogen bond with Thymine, while Guanine will always hydrogen bond with Cytosine i.e. A-T, G-C.
Based on the above, a DNA strand with sequence: A-T-G-A-C will pair with another DNA strand with sequence: T-A-C-T-G.
1. red blood cells
2. wisdom teeth
This is a simple calculation involving drug doses.
The solution is as follows:
(0.125 mg/tablet)(n) = 1.25 mg
n = (1.25 mg)/(0.125 mg/tablet)
n = 10 tablets
So a person needs to take ten 0.125 mg tablets of vitamin D to have that 1.25 mg dose.
The answer is b because everything else deals with population