This is due to the fact that women usually become infected at younger age than men. Many young women have a sexual relationship with older men who are more likely a hiv-positive, with the result that far more young women that young men in Africa were infected. Also the women are at higher risk of infection. The reason is both physical and socio-cultural.
Molecular biotechnology is basically the study and alteration of nucleic acids and proteins in living organisms for various applications. It encompasses the different scientific fields of genetics, engineering, chemistry, microbiology, etc. Because of this, all of the given choices are methods of molecular biotechnology EXCEPT DNA profiling.
The biomolecules that contain nitrogen are protein and nucleic acids.
Measuring photosynthesis via the production of oxygen. Oxygen can be measured by counting bubbles evolved from pondweed, or by using the Audus apparatus to measure the amount of gas evolved over a period of time.The emerging bubbles are either simply counted or they are recorded using light barriers, which is very difficult because of their small size and often varying ascent rate. The gas bubbles generated during photosynthesis by aquatic plants produce distinctive sound pulses when leaving the plants.