Whether or not they sank or floated when tied down and thrown in the water
How many were liberated in 1945: 7,000. Among the 7,000 people liberated at the closure of the camps, most were very ill, or close to death. Weeks earlier, with Soviet forces approaching the camp
The Dead of Buchenwald. Based on Nazi records and other evidence collected after liberation of the camp, the number of those who died or were murdered under the immediate influence of Buchenwald is no fewer than 55,000 victims. This number must be regarded as the minimum number of deaths brought about by Nazi barbarism in Buchenwald
Auschwitz is the German name for the Polish city Oświęcim. Oświęcim is located in Poland, approximately 40 miles (about 64 km) west of Kraków. Germany annexed this area of Poland in 1939. The Auschwitz concentration camp was located on the outskirts of Oświęcim in German-occupied Poland. It was originally established in 1940 and later referred to as "Auschwitz I" or "Main Camp.
Buchenwald was a Nazi concentration camp established on Ettersberg [de] hill near Weimar, Germany, in July 1937. It was one of the first and the largest of the concentration camps within Germany's 1937 borders. Many actual or suspected communists were among the first internees.
Prisoners came from all over Europe and the Soviet Union—Jews, Poles and other Slavs, the mentally ill and physically disabled, political prisoners, Romani people, Freemasons, and prisoners of war
You're called to love. the rest is not your business
Technological developments continued to improve farming throughout the 1880’s and 1890’s. New machinery increased the amount of land ton the Great Plains that could be farmed on, as it made it easier to access water and grow crops. For example, wind pumps had improved significantly by the 1880’s.
Technological developments continued to improve farming throughout the 1880’s and 1890’s. New machinery increased the amount of land ton the Great Plains that could be farmed on, as it made it easier to access water and grow crops. For example, wind pumps had improved significantly by the 1880’s. Metal wind pumps had been developed that were able to reach water hundreds of metres underground, and they only needed oiling once a year. Other new machinery made ploughing the land and growing crops easier. For example, seed drills were developed which were able to automatically plant seeds at the correct depth.
These new machines made faming more efficient and boosted the economy as farmers began to purchase machines. By the 1890’s the Great Plains had become a productive and fertile area of farming. Most homesteaders prospered.
The stock market crash caused everyone to take the money out of banks, but he banks were running out. the reason for this was because the money left in stocks lost value.