The <u>lingual tonsils</u> are lymphoid nodules located in the tissue at the base of the tongue in the rear of the mouth.
At the base of the tongue, reactive lymphoid tissue makes up the lingual tonsils.
Clinical manifestations of lingual tonsil hypertrophy include globus, dysphagia, and difficulty intubating patients due to glottis exposure.
The lymphoid tissue near the tongue's base makes up the lingual tonsil, a typical part of Waldeyer's ring.
It has been documented that one of the unique causes of unforeseen difficulties with endotracheal intubation and mask ventilation is acute inflammation and hypertrophy.
Lingual tonsillar hypertrophy is a peculiar voice alteration presentation.
If improperly handled, this group of individuals has the potential to significantly deteriorate, obstructing their airways and even dying.