The emigration of an animal, in this case of the antelope, is the cause of the lack of food.
The animals are in constant search of food and better places to cohabitate. Antelope is leaving its herd to find a better place for food and even if it sounds strange, animals are also behaving as individuals in case there is threatening of hunger.
Functions of phosphorus in the body,
i) Formation of bones and teeth. It's a component necessary for forming strong bones and teeth in the body.
ii) It's important in helping to make protein in the body for growth. Since many proteins in the body are phosphorylated for regulating their functions.
iii) Activation of enzymes. This done through phosphorylation.
iv) Gene transcription. It provides structural importance to the gene and protein binding is by the presence of phosphorus.
Deficiency of phosphorus in the body;
i) Weak and fragile bones.
ii) Bone pain.
iii) Fragile teeth.
iv) Stiff joints.
Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is an attraction that exists between all objects, everywhere in the universe.
or just mass.
The Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe that have mass.
The natural selection is the survival of the fittest, which means that o<span>nly the best adapted individuals survive and reproduce, contributing the most to the next generation</span>
According to natural selection, birds such as cardinals , eagles, and ducks have differently shaped feet due to <span>adaptation to different environments and feeding habits.
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) is produced by the stomach and has the job of breaking down proteins. If you make plenty of HCl, then the body can adequately digest protein. If not, protein digestion is compromised.