1) Kinetic energy of the truck 1 is 600,000 joules.
Kinetic energy of the truck 2 is 1,837,500 joules.
2 a)Potential energy of truck 1 is 646,800 Joules.
b) Energy lose by the truck 1 just got converted into heat and sound energy during the collision.
Step-by-step explanation:
Mass of the truck 1 and truck 2,m = 3000 kg
Velocity of the truck 1,
= = 20 m./s
Velocity of the truck 2,
= 35 m./s
1. Kinetic energy of the truck 1:
Kinetic energy of the truck 2:
2.a) Energy loose by the truck 1:
Initial height of the truck on the hill = 22 m
At that height potential energy will be maximum:
Potential energy of truck 1 at that height = 
b) Energy lose by the truck 1 just got converted into heat and sound energy during the collision.