I think this should be the chart you were interested in...
Individual Shape in shaded
phenotype pedigrees
Male with gen. TT PTC taster square No
Male with gen. Tt PTC taster square No
Male with gen. tt Non-taster square Yes
Female with gen. TT PTC taster Circle No
Female with gen. Tt PTC taster Circle No
Female with gen. tt Non-taster Circle Yes
*gen- genotype
The question is not complete but it can be answered in general as the plants cannot survive in acidic conditions.
Answer: High acidity is harmful to this type of plant.
The plants that were kept in the higher acidic conditions are less likely to grow in higher acidic conditions.
The plants that were kept in more basic conditions will also not grow properly as the pH of the soil should be neutral, slightly acidic or slightly basic.
The plants that was kept as a control on the pH of 7 will grow the best as the pH is optimum for the growth of the plants.
The conclusion is high acidity is harmful for the life of the plants.
This is a cell (B) with a nucleus (C) containing DNA (A). The DNA is organized into chromosomes (D). A section of the chromosome that codes for a trait is called a gene (E).