C. Intonation
Sounding angry or confused depends on the variation of one's tone, or intonation
b. He is impressed by Leo’s future status.
Bernard Malamud's short story "The Magic Barrel" is a story about a young rabbinical student's attempts to find a girl to date. Throughout the story, he gets lots of internal conflicts and obstacles which he then take out on his marriage broker and the girl he went out with.
Leo Finkle is a student of Yeshivah University when he contacted Pinye Salzman to help him find a probable girl to date and if possible, to eventually marry. The marriage broker at first addressed the student as "rabbi" which he strongly oppose f and told him to call him "Mr. Finkle". But this did not change the broker's mind who decided to call him doctor but reverted back to "rabbi" when he did not notice. Though Leo may have felt uncomfortable being addressed as a "rabbi" before he had finished his studies and earned the title, the broker was more impressed with his future status and wanted to lay emphasis on what holds for Leo in the future. he seemed to have a huge respect for Leo which he expressed and showed through his constant addressing of Leo as "rabbi".
Rising Action. It’s before the climax, which would be the ship sinking.
Something that is necessary is 'needed'.