Cytoplasm surrounds the organelles , but are not inside of them
Golgi apparatus is an organelle in eukaryotic cells that stores and modifies (might include addition of sugar groups) proteins and lipids for certain functions and prepare them for transport to other parts of the cell.
In the Endoplasmic reticulum, proteins fold into into their correct shape. Some of them are transported to the Golgi apparatus in membrane vesicles. Some proteins need to do their jobs in the Golgi (they are said to be Golgi-resident). They are transported from the golgi appratus to their final destinations through a secretory pathway. It involves sorting proteins into different kinds of transport vesicles, which emanate from the trans Golgi network and deliver their contents to the appropriate cellular locations.
Proteins that are membrane embedded are conveyed to the plasma membrane (integral membrane proteins) by constitutive secretion. Proteins can divert from constitutive secretion pathway and be targeted towards other destinations such as lysosomes (as lysosomal proteins) and regulated secretion from cells (to the cell exterior).
Woow what an awesome sentence
Plasmodia is your answer!!!!!!!!!!!XD
1. Energy from the sun is transferred to earth's surface. Some of that energy is then transferred to the air above the surface.
2. The closer a location is to the equator the more energy it receives from the sun. Therefore a location's air temperature is affected by its distance from the equator.
3. An effect my have more than one cause. These may be linked into a chain of effects and causes.