ination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at ... on the. Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other. Cruel ... They apply to all categories of.
The third option will be the one
A thermometer is used to measure how cold or hot something is. It measures temperature. It can measure in °F or °C or K.
It helps you and the people around you.
When you write down your thoughts, you're expressing yourself. If you choose to publish your writing or show others, you're sharing your thoughts with others. Your thoughts can help them by being relatable, being inspiring, or being helpful. Even if you choose not to share your writing, you're still helping yourself psychologically because it is healthy to express and explore your thoughts and emotions, and it can help you understand them more once you get them on paper. It also helps you document your thoughts for future use.