Sponsor is a similar word
Go to Y outu be and select a channel, any channel. where you see their icon if your on their main page then the image behind their icon is an example
Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is one kind of analysis in which the truth of the premises give support to the conclusion but they do not really count on the power to guarantee them.
Inductive reasoning can also be considered as a soft skill since it is related to the way you interact with people and behave in social situations.
Rewrite the following paragraph, adding adjectives to describe the three things you'd like to buy.
When I have enough money, there are three things I'd like to buy. First, I need to buy a trendy car. Next, I want to buy a big 50'' television. If I have enough money left over, I'm going to buy a beautiful lamp for my living room.
Adjectives are parts of speech that describe items, thus giving them more meaning. In the paragraph above, the adjectives, trendy, big 50'', and beautiful, add more meaning and visual description to the items that I will like to buy. The reader can thus imagine what the items look like.
Adjectives describe people, places, and things. Things described in the paragraph above include, car, television, and lamp.
The answer would be B
this is because if u look at A, the dot between ms carson can fool readers to think it is a period.
for C, there should not be a period after Asia
for D, the K in kite shouldnt be capitalized
hope this helps! :)