D. Increased migration to the United States
Southern states received federal money, more power to govern themslaves, and a promise to with draw federal troops; as a results, southernes remained distrustful of the republicans party and solidy supported democratic candidates
The purpose of the National Assembly is to debate and pass bills.
Federalists were the first political party of the United States and debated the inclusion of the Bill of Rights. There were two sides to the debate: the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists sought to ratify the Constitution while the Anti-Federalists did not. The Federalists felt that the inclusion of the Bill of Rights was not necessary and the Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression. Yet remarkably, it was The Federalist, James Madison who eventually presented the Bill of Rights to the Congress despite his former opposition.
He uses pathos to appeal to Americans' sense of pride and justice.