Observational learning is very much what learning how to dance is.
Vestibular sense can be a great problem for someone that wants to learn dancing because it is the sense that has to do with maintaining balance and posture.
I feel like some people would choose this as an option because of some sort of health condition that brings them pain, or something there is not cure for. Or, the obvious reason of not being happy. It would also mean they would be going peacefully when they want to. Not waiting for it to happen.
William Whewell Was the first scientist ever.
It was a place where England sent all of it's prisoners. The thing is the crimes varied from the extreme of murder and assault to the first offense of stealing an apple of loaf of bread but everyone was given the same punishment and treated in like. They were sent to work camps as indentured servants and had the chance to be pretty much slaves in exchange for their eventual freedom. There were men, women, and children, they were treated very badly in the beginning as there were virtually no laws. Later things changed. Australia was initial settled by "criminals" who were later freed and started better lives for themselves