the natural barriers were the himalaya mountains
The American Civil War is considered the first modern world for multiple reasons. Advances in technology made it possible to inflict mass casualties. Rifles were more accurate, took less loading time, and the bullets were more devastating in their effects. Earthworks were dug as barriers from direct gun and shellfire. Ironclad ships and the first submarines were used.
Other reasons that this war is considered the first modern war, was that it was possible, because of the railroads and telegraphs, to communicate in a timely manner, in different parts of the country. The war was widespread and communication was vital, whether it was to let someone know that they were getting new supplies of Enfield rifles, to alerting a commander that the opposition was changing position and heading to a new target.
Photography and reporting were extensive in this conflict, bringing the modern horrors of the battlefield into the homes of non-combatants. Everyone was effected or participated in the war. From the destruction of the South to the poor conditions of prison camps, this war touched almost everyone, in some way.