When blood glucose levels decrease, Your liver which is a glycogen storage converts glycogen to glucose and releases it into circulation. Further energy ( ATP Molecules ) is obtained by the TCA Cycle with subtraces like Fat and Protein.
Los puentes de Hidrógeno, se forman por átomos de Hidrógeno localizados entre átomos pequeños muy electronegativos, cuando un átomo de Hidrógeno está unido covalentemente, a un átomo electronegativo, Oxígeno, Nitrógeno o Flúor, el átomo con mayor electronegatividad atraerá hacia si los electrones del enlace, formándose
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Answer: just write "onion cell microscope slide experment" as the topic
Explanation: To study the structure of the onion epidermal cell, with particular emphasis on the nucleus and nucleoli.As the cells observed do not have a cell wall, nor a prominent vacuole, the cells of the specimen on the slide are animal cells.
During mitosis, chromosomes move to the middle of the spindle during metaphase. Mitosis is a type of cell division in which the parent cell divides into two daughter cells with each daughter cell receiving the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Mitosis has the following phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.