<span>The correct answer is carefully explain the meaning of potentially ambiguous terms.
The semantics of language refer to a feature of language relating to the meaning of words, phrases and expressions. When speaking a second language, understanding the semantics of that language can be tricky. Given the above, a useful </span><span>way of overcoming the potential communication barrier created by semantics is explaining the meaning of ambiguous terms, such as words of phrases that have more than one meaning, or an unusual or unexpected meaning. </span>
<em>Se puede ganar mucho, desde el punto de vista empírico yanalítico, del estudio comparativo sistemático de Canadá y Estados
<em>Unidos. </em><em>Ambos países comparten muchas condiciones ecológicas y demográficas</em><em>; sus niveles de desarrollo económico y de
<em>movilidad social son similares, y culturalmente tienen también
<em>mucho en común. Sin embargo, existen claros ejemplos de sus