I will have $183536835400 in my savings after 1515 years
Deposit into the savings account = 0.11×$2000020000 = $220002200
Earnings after 1515 years = 0.55×1515×$220002200 = $183316833200
Total amount in savings plan after 1515 years = $220002200 + $183316833200 = $183536835400
Real estate commission fee
Correct answer is letter B, $2,200
Using accrual basis method, revenue and expenses will be recognized when incurred.
The $4,800 is a 24 months policy, therefore we must compute the insurance expense applicable for the year covering from February 1 to December 31 (11 months)
An adjusting entry to recognize the expire portion of the insurance must be done at the year end in the amount of $2,200.
($4,800 / 24 months = $200 x 11 months = $2,200)
Alex may have to lower the price to convince Clara to buy a second slice.
Marginal utility is an economic concept that says that a consumer recieves more marginal utility in the first consumption of a good or services than in the second and the subsequents. In fact with each consumption the marginal utility reduces, this effect is known as diminishing marginal utility.
One of the the methods to reduce the effects of the diminishing marginal utility is to reduces prices. As the utility of a product decreases as its consumption increases, consumers are willing to pay smaller amount of money for more of the product.