Social inclusion stands as one of the most vibrant issues increased strongly by indigenous peoples, women, Madhesi, Dalits, and other marginalized communities in Nepal.
What are the efforts made for the inclusion of Nepal?</h3>
Social inclusion stands as one of the most vibrant issues increased strongly by indigenous peoples, women, Madhesi, Dalits, and other marginalized communities in Nepal. At present, this problem has been a political agenda among political leaders, a subject of academic address among intellectuals, and a field of consequence priority among development practitioners.
Given the fact that the present state exists exclusionary, non-participatory, and non-representative and discriminates against indigenous peoples, women, Madhesis, Dalits, and other marginalized communities established on caste, ethnicity, language, religion, sex, class, and geographical territory, this marginalized public and communities exist demanding for an inclusive state through its restructuring along the line of federalism established on national regional autonomy.
For this definition, the election of a constituent assembly has operated as a legitimate and democratic revolution in present-day Nepal.Social inclusion exists as the method of improving the terms on which individuals and groups bring their part in society—enhancing the ability, possibility, and dignity of those impoverished based on their individuality.
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