Roger Chillingworth is a depraved soul who is out to seek revenge on Hester's "baby daddy" and he will stop at no end until he gets what he wants. Eventually, Dimmesdale comes forth as Hester's partner in adultery and the hole time Dimmesdale is confessing, Chillingworth is begging him to stop. Chillingworth enjoys manipulating Dimmesdale into insanity and begs him to stop confessing because he knows that once everyone knows about Dimmesdale's sin then he will have no power over him. Chillingworth is the perfect last name for such a nefarious character because it depicts his character with in it. He is a very chilling character and is, overall, a terrible person!
A. the government
In the planned economy, the government control every factor of productions. All the resources that exist within the country are owned by the government. On top of that, the government also specifically controlled the type of economic activities that can and can't be done by the people.
This create a situation where people have no freedom to choose their careers, have no incentives to innovate and work harder, and have no ownerships of private property.
The rich do not want to have to pay for the poor to use public systems. The rich in the first place rarely have the need to use public transport or public services in the first place. In there eyes do not pay for something you do not use.<span />
situationism; interactionist
Gina and Joe are having a debate. Gina says that personality is solely a result of behaving differently across situations. Joe agrees that personality is affected by the situation, but he says underlying personality characteristics also influence it. Gina's comments are consistent with the situationism view of personality while Joe's statements indicate that he supports the interactionist view of personality.
Interactionism believes that situations are as a result of the function of the person as the person's behavior is a function of the situation.
Situationism believes that people are more influenced by external, situational factors
The correct answer is B. the death of millions of Russians in battle. World war I began in 1914, most of the Russian army was composed of the working class and peasant men, Russia's poorest class, so the majority of these troops had to go to battle under undesirable conditions. Many of them without shoes, food, and even weapons, causing in the death of millions of Russians in battle. The Russian people then, blamed the Tsar for entering the war and getting so many of their young men killed.