that website may help you find some answers!
I would say no or not really
Looking at the world today, a lot has changed and this influences the young people today. Most try new food and are drawn to eating it often. On the other hand, traditional foods, though it has its own unique taste, since it is not often eaten in lets say urban areas, young people don't really get the chance of getting used to eating it often so maybe when they try eating they don't like it and stop eating..
* It's what I think..
First, just simply do the usual for the letter as always, then introduce the three topics you're talking about and like it said: describe it or basically define it, list 3 facts, and your opinion.
Terrazzo flooring is a name for concrete tile.
Concrete tile can be used anywhere from indoors to outdoors. It can be used on floors, walls, fireplace surrounds, pools and patios, shower enclosures, countertops, backsplashes, and building façades. In many cases, concrete tile sizes, finishes, and colors can be customized to suit your design needs. It has low hygroscopicity comparing to the clay. It resist freezing cycle. It doesn't exfoliate or break. They are made from a mixture of sand, cement, color pigment, and a marble powder that is poured into metal molds, backed by a dry concrete mixture. Terrazzo flooring is a name for concrete tile. Terrazzo is a composite material, poured in place or precast, which is used for floor and wall treatments.
to know more about terazzo and mossaic flooring
The answer is conservatism.
Conservatism refers to a political and social philosophy that tries to promote traditional social institutions that have a relationship with culture as well as civilization. The main principles concerning conservatism include tradition, organic society, hierarchy, among others.
Conservatives try to keep some institutions like religion, parliamentary government, as well as property rights to accentuate aspects like social stability and continuity.