Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions of one's own body, commercially by using electronic or other instruments, and with a goal of being able to manipulate the body's systems at will. Humans conduct biofeedback naturally all the time, at varied levels of consciousness and intentionality. Biofeedback and the biofeedback loop can also be thought of as self-regulation.[1][2] Some of the processes that can be controlled include brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate and pain perceptions
1. peterson house washington d.c
2. aid
Testosterone: Released from: testes (stimulated by LH)
Targets: many tissues
- stimulates sperm production
- development of secondary sex characteristics
- maintenance of muscle strength and mass
Released from: ovaries (stimulated by FSH)
Targets: uterus, bones, other organs
- stimulates bone mineralization
- development of secondary sex characteristics
- regulates reproductive system
I agree with him because there are other ways to treat yourself other than medicine. His example was snow therapy, and I agree, nature can be very therapeutic and calming and helpful for your mental state and physical state. My example is I find dogs very therapeutic for me, when I’m feeling upset or anxious,I just play around with my weird dog and forget about what’s wrong. Many colleges have this too, they put the dogs in libraries and I find that adorably fascinating. Wouldn’t you rather play with a bundle of cute puppies then swallow pills all day long?