I am the first settler ever in the world to settle in Mars. I have lived there for one year
I had a numerous problems over there like shortage of food,water and my antena to talk to the NASA team on earth was notworking. Luckily I had some extra food ,water and the kit to mend the antenna. The best thing that happen there was that I had found some microbes. they were really huge.They had chased me till my spaceship but I entered the spaceship and flew to earth and it took me 3 months to reach earth and I told all this to my colleagues and junior
Hope it helps you
What will Hal do in 2019?
What will he achieve by then?
How long will he live in Los Angeles in 2022?
What will he do by the time he moves to Los Angeles?
When will he buy a house?
What will he write in 2023?
The correct answer to this one question is the following.
You did not mention what President's Ford speech you are referring to. We assume you are talking about the famous speech where he pardons Richard Nixon. If this is the case, then the correct answer is the following.
The summary of President Ford’s speech in no more than one complete sentence would be this.
President Gerald Ford made the difficult of granted pardon to former President Richard Nixon because he considered that a long trial and public scrutinize would only hurt America and increase the already noticed division and polarization of the American citizens.
Geral R. Ford publicly announced the pardon of Nixon on September 8, 1974.