Compelled, imminent, borrowed, is, would've studied, had been making, won't/shan't (Idk for that one), more, missed, is going to, feigned, used to, they are having, which, spree, but I don't, mustn't. Hope they're all correct, and hope that helps XD
Robert Frost
I remember watching the inauguration on TV. The sun was so bright that Robert Frost had trouble seeing his copy of the poem, and ended up reciting the poem from memory.
Answer:How do the events in the story change the way Squeaky views competition? The competition changes when Squeaky respects her competitors who are practiced and prepared. She also is just having fun and wants to be a coach. Who's going to win the race and Gretchen stole her best friend so the tension is strong.
Romeo compares Juliets beauty to the sun of dawn, he calls the moon a pale competitor for brightest illumination of the night