Himalaya Mountains.
form a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. The length is 2,400 km (1,500 ml)
The first civilizations developed in North Africa, Middle East, and South and East Asia because of the advantages that this areas offered to the people inhabiting them. The biggest advantage were the big rivers with long and wide fertile plains beside them, which enabled the people to be involved in agriculture and produce big amounts of food and even reserves. Since the food problem was solved, they were able to concentrate on other things in their spare time and started to develop architecture, sciences, philosophy, writing systems...
Providing personal customer service
Rudy provides his customers with very personalized service. His business model functions well because he has a sizeable amount of followers on his website. Rudy personally interacts with his customers, lets them knows his location and the menu for the day, and thanks them for their support. Since Rudy owns a food truck, he can move to different locations. By providing personalized customer service, Rudy is encouraging his followers to find where the food truck is located that day. This way, he gets the traffic of where the food truck is located that day, but he also has people that specifically go to that area for his food truck.
Scrooge awakes at midnight, which leaves him baffled--it was well after two a.m. when he went to bed. Initially, he thinks he has slept through an entire day or that it's actually noon and the sun has merely gone under some sort of cover. He suddenly remembers the words of Marley's ghost. The first of the three spirits will arrive at one o'clock. Frightened, Scrooge decides to wait for his supernatural visitor.
I'm pretty sure that the most suitable one is C. Renewed interest among students in the humanities