Los síntomas del chancro incluyen una o más ulceras y dolor en los nódulos linfáticos, es decir en el área donde las piernas y el tronco del cuerpo se unen. La úlcera empieza como un granito doloroso que se llena de pus y luego se convierte en una llaga o úlcera.
The correct option is A.
Horse are herbivores, they eat plants. Large amount of the digestion and absorption of these plant materials occur in the cecum. Horses have enlarged cecum which helps in the digestion process of their food.
Sample Response: The mystery food sample did test positive for Sudan red. Nicole ate salad dressing, which contains fat, a lipid. She is the likely culprit.
The mystery food sample tested positive for lipids using the Sudan red indicator.
Nicole ate salad dressing.
Salad dressing contains fat, a lipid.
Nicole is probably guilty.
Methionine-methionine leucinelysine that a mutation in the DNA occurs so that the fourth base (counting from the 5' end) of the messenger RNA.
mRNA codons are read from 5' to 3' , and they specify the order of amino acids in a protein from N-terminus (methionine) to C-terminus. The mRNA sequence is: 5'-AUGAUCUCGUAA-5'
Ciodons which is broke the sequence into a series of three-nucleotide units. There are three-letter nature of codons that the four nucleotide found in mRNA such as A, U, G, and C all these can produce a total of 64 different combinations. The sequence of the tRNA anti-codon is 3'-UGC-5' and the tRNA will carry the amino acid which is the encoded by the codon.
To learn more about nucleotide here