First of all make child and Mother calm down
See how much blood loss is there
Is any Glass inserted in arm or any other part of body
Clean the wound and give painkillers
The asnwer is A) cardiogenic
Patient with severe anterior chest trauma with 88 pulse per minute, tachypneic, 92/68 pressure and peripheral cyanosis is presenting a cardiogenic shock. We talk about cardiogenic shock when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to the entire body that is needs to. It is caused by serious cardiac complications, such as severe trauma to the heart with damage to its structures, such as tendons, cardiac muscles or wall, and also the accumulation of fluid around it (cardiac tamponade).
delayed onset muscle soreness
Too little iodine in diet
Goitre could occur as a result of too little iodine in diet. When there is not enough iodine in the diet, it canresult to goitre. This is why iodine is added to table salt in most countries of the world to combat iodine deficiency.