Stutthof concentration camp
It was also the last camp liberated by the Allies on 9 May 1945. It is estimated that between 63,000 and 65,000 prisoners of Stutthof concentration camp and its subcamps died as a result of murder, starvation, epidemics, extreme labour conditions, brutal and forced evacuations, and a lack of medical attention.
It was a letter explaimg the uses and tools used in gold mining
Fear of great depression
many believed that after world war II and the subsequent drop in military funding it may bring back the times of the great depression. Instead, consumer demand fueled exceptionally strong economic growth in post-world-war II. With the government no longer needing munitions and soldiers the private economy boomed.
when I was 12 i stole from a stor blamed my brother and he got grownded
what was stolen was a playboy he was 16 so ofc they thought it was him