"The superiority of both forms of acupuncture suggests a common underlying mechanism that may act on pain generation, transmission of pain signals or processing of pain signals by the central nervous system and that is stronger than the action mechanism of conventional therapy," the authors conclude
hope it helps
"It will get better and worse again."Explanation:
The immune system recognizes damaged cells, irritants, and pathogens, and it begins the healing process. When something harmful or irritating affects a part of our body, there is a biological response to try to remove it.
These can include:
mouth sores.
chest pain.
abdominal pain.
joint pain.
The correct answer to the question: Dr. Gonzalez is:___ would be: Checking the validity of his tool to measure depressive symptoms.
Dr. Gonzalez, as a researcher, wants to test a tool that he himself created in order to measure depressive symptoms in Hispanic women. In order to validate his tool, and know if it will give acceptable results, he compares his tool with others than have already been established, and scientifically proven as effective. As such, he not only will ask participants in his study respond to his instrument, but he will also apply one that has already been used with that purpose: the Beck Depression Inventory, and another one that will measure factors not related to depression, known as a social desirability scale. With the results from all three tools, Dr. Gonzalez will be able to ascertain the validity of his own scale, and test it against others. In this way, he is further vaidating his results as well, and showing the accuracy of his own instrument.