The most common type of E. coli infection that causes illness in people is called E. coli O157, which produces a toxin known as Shiga-toxin. Shiga-toxin producing E. coli is abbreviated as STEC. Symptoms of infection with this germ include watery or bloody diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Some other germs don’t cause as many illnesses, but when they do, the illnesses are more likely to lead to hospitalization. Those germs include: Anyone can get sick from eating contaminated food. Follow four simple food safety steps —clean, separate, cook, and chill—to lower your chance of food poisoning and to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Organisms exhibit various levels of organization of the body. It includes cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level of organization. The unicellular organisms have single cells as their bodies and therefore do not have the genes that regulate the various parts of the body rather than the individual cells. Prokaryotic are unicellular organisms only and do not have multiple cells in their bodies. Therefore, the mentioned genes are the regulatory genes that coordinate the functioning of various parts of the body of a multicellular organism. For instance, the genes involved in regulation of blood glucose levels.
It can be classified in the phylum chordata.
Phylum : chordata
Sub-phylum: Vertebrata
Division: Gnathostomata
Superclass: pisces (respiration occurs typically by gills)
The water cycle is also referred to as the hydrologic cycle.
Snake goes to frog frog goes to bug bug goes to leaf and leaf goes to soil