Each axis needs a scale to show the range of the data on that axis. The low end of the scale may be zero or a round number value slightly smaller than the smallest data point. The high end of the scale is usually a round number value slightly larger than the largest data point. The scale is measured off in major and minor tick marks. Typically the scale runs from low to high in easily counted multiples like 10s, 50s, 100s, etc. When graphs are compared side-by-side, consider scaling them to the same data range to make comparisons easier.
Phospholipids have two distinct polarities. The phosphate head is always polar, while the two "tails" it has are nonpolar.
Pro I
Meta I
Ana I
Telo I
Pro II
Meta II
Ana II
Telo II
Biology is the study of natural science (nature) and it is important to humans cause we learn about it
During prophase, which occurs after G2 interphase, the cell prepares to divide by tightly condensing its chromosomes and initiates mitotic spindle formation. The chromatin fibers condenses into discrete chromosomes. The nucleolus also disappears during early prophase.